Monday, October 5, 2009

36 weeks

First off, sorry for such a long time between posts!

I am now 36 weeks along and only 4 weeks to go until my due date. If you'd asked me a month ago, I would have told you that I had a feeling that Evan was going to come 2 or 3 weeks not so much... As of Wednesday of last week, there's no indications that Evan will be arriving early. I think he's head down, but the nurse wasn't sure. They said that if they can't tell for sure if he's head down at my next visit (Thursday) they will do an ultrasound just to make sure. The reason I think he's head down is that one of Evan's favorite things to do seems to be to push himself out one side of my belly. When he does, it seems as though his whole back is pushing out against my belly. It's kind of funny actually, I'll look down at my belly and the right side of my belly will be sticking out at least an inch or two more than the left side!

Manny and I are getting excited as the due date gets closer and closer, but there's still a few more things to get ready before Evan arrives. I hope Evan gives us enough time to get everything done! Manny's mom and I are both hoping that Evan has my green eyes...although I'm fully expecting to see dark hair and brown eyes. We'll love him just as much either way! We know he'll be a handsome little boy and we can't wait to see the little guy that's been growing and kicking around inside me for 8 months and counting...

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