Monday, June 15, 2009

drumroll please...

Well, we had our 20-week ultrasound this morning and the whopping 4 people who took my poll were right! We're having a BOY! We're super-excited and I am already seeing visions of Little League baseball games in our future...

All the baby's organs, bones, etc. looked healthy and normal (YEAH!), and thanks to technology we even have a DVD of the ultrasound. Pretty cool, huh? If I have time, I'll try to isolate a good pic of the baby from the video to add to the blog... I have been feeling the baby moving around and kicking me, and am DEFINITELY showing! In fact, on Thursday of last week, I was at the grocery store and was asked for the first time by a complete stranger when I'm due...I took that as a pretty definite sign that I'm looking pregnant. :)

Finally, we (or at least I) would welcome any suggestions for names! Shoot me an email or leave a comment on this post with any great suggestions you have. My only parameters: nothing so weird that it's hard to pronounce (remember our family contains both English and Spanish it can't be too complicated), and nothing so common that there will be 5 other kids in every class with the same name (ie: Michael). Thanks in advance for any help you can give!!!

1 comment:

angelalois said...

OK I'll just leave you our RULES so you can decide for yourself if you want to follow them:

1) no exboyfriends or kissing partners of "mom's." Just off limits.

2) the name has to be 100% BOY. If you know a GIRL named that name, then it's a no go. This was actually really tough. Think Brook, Cameron, Quinn, Taylor... all cute names that could be girls. They were out for us.

3) Like you said, it can't be TOO common. Several names are SO SO SO HOT right now that 100 boys in the little guy's elementary school class will be named that. We actually had our final two, and Wesley was lower on's popular baby name chart so that was a big factor in choosing it. We really didn't want to make our decision on a "trend." Be sure to check, it rocks! It shows the top 100 baby names for like the last century by year. It's awesome.

4) make sure, ahead of time, you're not naming your kid after anyone. We actually googled our potential names and you'd be surprised. We were maybe going to name our kid after a motocross racer or a guy who once ran for president. Whoa! My VT companion totally, unbeknownst to her, named her daughter after a famous actress from like the 1930s. People make weird comments all the time to her about it.

I think that's it. Good luck. It's immense pressure. Remember you'll be saying this name for the rest of your life!!!